Tuesday 23 April 2013

Lead Nurturing - Your Best Friend for Generating Sales

Setting up a Lead Nurturing program will help your sales team generate more revenues for your business using the same amount of contacts. However, not having a lead nurturing strategy will eventually result in sales leads leaking out of the sales pipeline/process and these things happen because managers these days tend to take more time in purchasing and they somehow feel more responsible considering the current economic status. More information helps, because it also provides more security for the decision maker and helps him be more confident when choosing to work with you.

Lead Nurturing is more about staying in touch and paying more attention to qualified leads over wasting time with prospects that are never going to buy. Sales men need to have the ability to qualify the lead and decide if it is worth fighting for or decide to give it a chance some other time when things change.

A few of the most important lead nurturing tactics:

  1. Asking to stay in touch with the prospect. You probably experienced annoying newsletters landing in your inbox and not remembering if you ever subscribed to this. You need to provide a nice friendly experience, shoving information down to your prospects throat won't help and it will probably make them repulsive and angry;
  2. Educating the prospect to establish comparison points. As I wrote above, decision makers take more time in purchasing, this means your competition will also have the chance in presenting their offer to your prospect and you don't want them to take the "wrong" decision because of some false reasons;
  3. Monitoring the prospect progress in the buying cycle. Using your Lead Nurturing program you can see at what stage of the buying process your prospect is by monitoring his actions.
A nice article wrote by Ken Lewis in Forbes is presenting a 12 step program for lead nurturing. A great way to generate leads for your Software is Marks Marketing Toolbox.

Zimplu CRM will launch a new feature soon that will help your business more for gathering leads using an embedded contact form for your website where visitors will fill it so you can get in touch with them. This contact form will be linked to your Zimplu account so the lead will automatically get into your Zimplu database.

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