Tuesday 22 October 2013

You Just Signed a Deal, What To Do Next in Zimplu CRM?

You just received a lead from the Marketing Department, you called, you met the prospect, and everything went well. In the end, you signed the contract and the new customer seems happy. Of course you wrote all the discussions in Zimplu CRM, and all the history is there for you and others to see.

But what do you do now? Every contract we sign has an expiration date, and the customer you just signed today must be happy after 1 or 2 years when he has to decide again. Zimplu CRM tasks help a lot reminding you to call contacts, send emails or any other activities you or your co-workers need to do. This feature will tell you when you're getting close to the contract expiration date, and it helps you make sure your customer stays yours.

Your staying in touch strategy
One of the biggest mistakes a salesman can make is focus too much on gaining new leads, new customers and completely forget about their existing customers. You always hear that gaining 1 new customer is 10 times more expensive than keeping a current customer, don't make that mistake, keep your customers close, find out what they think, how happy they are, and very important, find out if other competitors approached them.

Make sure you think about a "staying in touch strategy" for your customers, add a task to make a call after 2 weeks, another one after 3 months, another one after 9 months, and of course, a few weeks before the contract expiration date. Don't assume your customers are doing well, make sure of that, and never let your customer feel like he was just another one buying from you.

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